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Focusing on keeping people healthy

Supporting the public with knowledge

Stop smoking on blackboard.  Handwritten stop smoking with chalk on blackboard,stethoscope
a girl on a blue background holds a disposable cigarette in one hand and shows a stop to s
Mother, helping little toddler child with inhaler with spacer, at home.jpg
Classroom Furnitures

Smoking cessation 1:1

By using non judgmental approach towards smoking and helping a smoker to achieve reduction or quit smoking altogether I offer a 60 min consultation that includes an individual smoking history, type of smoking device and a client focus discussion about previous attempt of smoking cessation. This is followed by an individual targeted plan to achieve quitting for good. Stopping smoking is a journey and has many stops between, regardless of whether a smoker achieved quitting in the past, another attempt could be THE one!


Smoking  and Vaping danger in adolescent


Lets talk about vaping



Talk about harm of Vaping nicotine, dangers of inhaling flavours added to the vape device.


This talk is to send a message to pupils and teachers about the harm of Nicotine and flavours in Vape device carefully gathered following up to date scientific papers and research, it will include information about the insidious ways Vaping companies targeting adolescents and hiding the smart ways to increase the concentration of Nicotine with very little unwanted side effects such as bad taste or sore throat  that can change an adolescent mind to continue Vaping.



Asthma inhalers management for children&adolescent

Discussing how to manage an Asthma treatment for children and young adults with inhaler technique, Asthma care plan, tips to stick with medicine management along with busy student and family life.


I will share tips and habits that will identify the right routine without it being a burden to the child. This is to make the child's and parent's life more manageable in this, at times stressful life of 'juggling' it all, plus reduce the incidents of Emergency Department visit and prevent an Asthma related respiratory damage in the process.

Pastoral care evenings in school setting
£250/ 90 min

Informative talk for parents about the harms of tobacco, cannabis and vaping in adolescents. 


In the latest research by the TobaccoFree Research Institute in Ireland shows that parental monitoring was significantly associated with ever-use of Vaping especially for boys. Decreased parental monitoring was also associated with increased odds for teenagers 'current-use' of E-cigarettes.

A parent attitude towards Vaping being 'at least he/she/they are not smoking' when their child is Vaping is not helpful and the information about the harm of Vaping Nicotine and the flavouring in the E-Cigarette is crucial.

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